Friday, July 13, 2012


Passion is lost. I could almost bet that less than 10% of the people in America are doing what they are passionate about. Why? It takes courage, risk, and hard work. 

Courage, ask yourself, when's the last time you had the courage to try something new? Push yourself to live a better life? 

Risk, when's the last time you've taken a risk? I'm not talking about a small risk, I'm talking a I'm going to quit my full time job with benefits, great retirement, and that I'm GREAT at to follow my dream, my passion, and hope that I have what it takes to make it work. 

Hard work, to me this is hard to talk about because it comes natural to me. I have a problem relaxing and feeling unproductive. I am learning that most people don't have that problem. Is it because they aren't doing what they are passionate about? The correlation makes sense to me. Do you work for money or do you work because it's what you love to do and your life wouldn't be complete without it? 

These are some tough questions, but these are questions you should be asking yourself. You should have friends asking you these questions! The ultimate goal in life is to be happy and live a fulfilling life. Are you doing what it takes to make yourself happy? 

(If you don't know what makes you happy, I suggest doing some self reflection. Write down the last 5 times you could FEEL yourself being happy. If you want to take it a step further, list your priorities in life and your top 5 things you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012, if your list of 5 things interferes with you priorities, maybe you should rethink your goals?!) 

My top 3 priorities:
1. God, Family, Friends, Relationships with people
2. Health, Happiness
3. Helping others find their passion and happiness, and improving their health 

My top 5 goals for the end of 2012:
1. Help over 100 people get healthier in 2012. 
2. Start a successful Fit Club that is open to the community
3. Find someone as passionate as myself about health and fitness and become business partners.
4. Stay positive and consistent in my life and promote a positive lifestyle to others.
5. Plan a trip to a place I've never been and want to go. ----> Hawaii??? 

My PUSH goal, the goal that I'm working towards more than any of the others, is to help over 100 people get healthier. I made this goal on January 1, 2012 and it has been my focus for the year. Every decision I make in my life, that goal is on my mind. 

I hope this inspires you to write down your priorities, and goals. If you are courageous enough to share, I'd love to hear about your priorities and goals, but if you don't feel like sharing, PLEASE at the very least, WRITE THEM DOWN! Hold yourself accountable, and don't be afraid to write something down that is a bit of a s-t-r-e-t-c-h. 

I'd love to connect with you more! Add me now! Facebook